‘Florida Man’ Succeeds as Prose Novel; Now Crowdfunding to Become Graphic Novel

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Florida Man, a prose novel by Mike Baron and published by Wolfpack Publishing in 2019, has been so successful that Baron is now working on turning it into a graphic novel, with a little help from a few others.

Just hearing “Florida Man” should give you a good idea what the story is about. But in case you want a little more info, here’s the opening of the elevator pitch directly from the Indiegogo crowdfunding page:

Gary Duba’s having a bad day. There’s a snake in his toilet, a rabid raccoon in the yard, and his gal Krystal’s in jail for getting naked at a Waffle Castle and licking the manager. Gary is just a southern redneck living in a trailer down by the swamp, but he’s got dreams, big dreams. But it seems like every time he tries to get ahead, fate deals him a low blow.

Then one day he gets lucky…

Joining Baron on the Florida Man graphic novel are Todd Mulrooney (main illustrator), Ichsan Ansori (interior colors), Chris Braly (editing and marketing), and others (see the Indiegogo page for the full list).

As of the publishing of this article, the project is closing in on being 50 percent funded with 44 days left in the campaign.

If Florida Man looks like a graphic novel you want to read, head over to Indiegogo and back it today!

Top Image via the Florida Man Indiegogo crowdfunding page.

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