‘Nexus: A Novel’ Is a Crowdfunding Campaign Done Right

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Mike Baron and Steve Rude took their superhero Nexus from the comic book pages to a full-length novel by way of a crowdfunding campaign. And they did it the right way. Not only did they successfully raise the money needed to produce Nexus: A Novel, but they promptly sent it (and perks) to their backers. It serves as an example for other authors and artists to follow going forward.

Baron and Rude ran a Kickstarter fundraiser for Nexus: A Novel earlier this year and raised over $16,000 for it. I contributed to the campaign. (Also, Baron and I both contributed to Appalling Stories 2 and Appalling Stories 4.) It ended in June. By late July, I received the novel along with the perks associated with the level of my contribution. (RELATED: Mike Baron Announces More Adventures for Superhero Nexus! [VIDEO])

I’m in the process of reading the book right now; about a quarter way through it. It’s exactly what it was promoted as being. And the cover art is fantastic. The perks I received with it (including sneak peeks at future works) are on target too.

This is the way authors and artists who choose to do crowdfunding campaigns should do them. Baron and Rude told supporters what they planned to do, and then they executed that plan as described and they delivered in a timely fashion. The same cannot be said for all authors and artists.

Baron is involved with crowdfunding other projects. Both already appear to be financially successful. And thanks to Nexus: A Novel, he now has a track record of delivering on-quality and on-time finished product to supporters.

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