We know you wanna watch the new Dune trailer. You should. It looks pretty damn good.
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The cast is off the charts. I mean, come on, that is a Hollywood throw down! The cinematography and effects are right up there too!
Now here’s what’s really got us excited as a fan of these books. This movie is part one of a planned two-part adaptation of the Frank Herbert classic. Cue angelic music. That gives us reason to be optimistic. The Dune story is just too big for one movie. It’s a waste of time to try.
So a shoutout to the producers for splitting it into two. Whew. Let the finger crossing continue for Dune.
This trailer looks good, but don’t you think trailers are giving too much away? I tend to zone out halfway through. I want cool teasers. Like one sick scene or some sort of dramatic irony or a brutal monologue. Make Trailers Epic Again 😉
nine times outta ten I would agree with you. Dune is kind of the exception to the rule imo. Because it’s such a beloved book, the filmmakers probably want to show the audience that they ‘got it right’. Which this trailer does for me. However 99% of other flicks give away WAY too much. They should stop.