Kim Jung Gi is a South Korean artist whose works are mind blowing, but what may be even more mind blowing is actually watching him create them.
He credits his memory to his insane ability to create these immesley detailed scenes. Everything is detailed with pinpoint accuracy. and all from the guys brain! Its nuts!
The timelapse really gives a sense of how talented this guy is. Kim Jung Gi is able to do all this weird perspective stuff, keep all the anatomy and figures accurate, and make it look bad ass all at the same time! Without any references or guidelines!
Kim Jung Gi is a master at his craft. He not only can create all this awesomeness, but he does it all from memory. He also holds the guiness world record for “Longest Drawing by an individual”!
He’s got loads of more cool stuff to check out like some of his original artwork, sketchbooks, and even online courses at his website: