There are a handful of new things in Fortnite Season 4, and one of them happens to be Brie Larson.
The latest in Fortnite news is the recent release of the latest season, “Paradise”. After playing a ton of matches, messing around with the new mechanics, and taking a look at all the lot in the battle pass, I can say that I am shocked by this new fortnite season… but not in a good way.
Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4: Paradise is, in my opinion, one of the worst fortnite seasons I have ever seen, and I’ve been around for it all. The battle pass is incredibly underwhelming and the new chrome mechanic is interesting at first, but loses its luster pretty fast. There just isn’t anything fresh in this season, it seems like they looked at their throwaway ideas from the past, took those, and threw something together in a rush.
The new battle pass is the main reason that I am not a huge fan of the latest season. This new battle pass is terrible! Every single one of the skins are just nasty looking, no effort was made on these skins whatsoever! That is more a matter of personal opinion but the skins are just plain weird this season. There is not one fortnite original skin that I look at in this battle pass and go, “yeah, that would be cool to wear in game.” You’ve got the see-through bear inside a bear, “Grizz”, and the little bear is controlling the big bear with a controller (Which they have basically done before with the “Kit” skin a couple seasons ago, where a tiny cat controls a bigger machine. They are so dry for ideas that they are stealing from themselves!).
You’ve got the male gamer skin, “Twyn” that puts on a VR headset and can turn into a female mid game, (now if that doesn’t tell you what’s going on in society today then I don’t know what will!). There’s a weird anime girl skin that is just sad to look at. One of the biggest let downs this season is the bonus skin, “The Herald”, that is just butt ugly, and they expect you to play for hours and hours to unlock this bonus skin?! It’s crazy! What’s even more crazy is the fact that people will do it. Last season is was Indiana Jones, this season… a weird plant / sea creature thing.
The only, and I mean ONLY, redeeming quality about this battle pass is the Gwen Stacy skin; and as i’m writing this im realizing that it isn’t redeeming at all! If you play this new season long enough to get to around level 125, you can unlock the Spider Gwen skin without her mask, and it looks like it wa ripped straight from “Into The Spiderverse”. I say it is the one redeeming quality because at least they tried to make this skin look like it was straight out of the movie. At least they tried with Spider Gwen Skin. Side note, stop just slapping on a character from a piece of media as the big skin at the end of the battle pass! It has to be the laziest way to get people to spend money on your video game! It is pathetic!
Other than that, Brie Larson is the main character of this season. You can now play as Brie Larson in fortnite. Wow. In all seriousness, if I was given the offer to be given my own skin in fortnite I would totally do it. Can’t blame ya Brie!
All in all, the new Fortnite season is a dud. The battle pass stinks, the gameplay is pretty much just the same as it has always been, and the map didn’t really change at all. Overall, probably the lamest Fortnite season in the history of the video game.