The long awaited Resident Evil 4 remake is just hours away from releasing!
A special agent on a mission to rescue the president’s daughter, who has been kidnapped by a mysterious religious cult. What more could you want?!
The Resident Evil series has somewhere around 30 games in the series since the first game released in 1996. Out of all of those games only one has been as widely praised and agreed upon to be the best in the series. That game is Resident Evil 4.
The story, the combat, the tension, the puzzles, the boss fights, it’s all there. Re:4 is an absolute blast of a game with twists and turns at every corner. We had a chance to test drive the opening sequence and iconic fight towards the beginning of the game and I will say this, it is going to be insane!
This remake is what the original developers had in mind all those years ago. Now that the technology is there, there is no holding them back.
It’s going to be ballistic! The trailers look amazing, the gameplay is great and I am counting the seconds until it releases! Here’s a look at the final trailer to get you hyped up for the game!