The latest chapter of the John Wick saga will soon be available for home viewing, and fans of the action series can soon enjoy all four movies filled with new practical uses for everyday objects.
And by “practical” I mean using these items to kill bad guys. Is it always believable? Nope. Is it always entertaining and super cool? Most definitely. Keanu Reeves has turned making household items lethal into an art form. Watch this clip from Chapter 3, for example:
In celebration of the latest John Wick chapter’s upcoming home release, I present three cool music videos where someone gets “John Wick’ed” with unconventional weapons.
Agust D “Haegeum”
The Weapon: Chopsticks. Suga (aka Agust D) of BTS has gotten a complete badass glow-up, and gives us a motivating rap performance with a high budget action film treatment. His performance through this whole video is well worth a watch.
Band of Horses “Dilly”
The Weapon: Invisible Finger Guns. I first saw this video about ten years ago, and I’m still not really sure what I’m seeing here. I am relatively certain this might have been what Peter Fonda or Dennis Hopper might have hallucinated while film Easy Rider. Nice chill song, though, and who hasn’t wished our “finger guns” were locked and loaded.
Panic! At the Disco “Say Amen (Saturday Night)”
The Weapon: Spaghetti. I have to give credit to Panic! at the Disco’s Brendon Urie: he always gives his everything in his videos, including getting murder-y in the kitchen. There are a variety of fun weapons used in this one, in addition to cooking items. Now I know why my prepper friends always say to have plenty of pasta on hand.
John Wick: Chapter 4 is out for digital release May 23, with Blu-ray, 4K, DVD, and on-demand coming on June 13.
Grab your weapon. Anything will do.