Spider-Man 2 is almost here. Check out the latest trailer. (video)

We’re in countdown mode for Spider-Man 2 at this point. The PS5 is revved up and ready to go. The release date for the sequel to the mega hit, Spider-Man is October 20th. So, we just gotta hold out a little longer before we can do some serious web slinging around great NYC area. They added tons to maps and we are stoked to once again, get to the top of the Empire State Building, take a selfie, all while yelling ‘I can see my Apt from here!” Yeah, it’s the little things we enjoy. Might have to carve out some time to actually fight villains too. Might as well play the game, right? So, come on Oct. 20. We are ready for Spider-Man 2.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round TheLoftusParty.com

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