Daily Wire, That Show Tonight & the beginning of the end of Woke Hollywood. (video)

It’s an exciting time to be a creator. There’s been a shift in the world of entertainment and it’s exhilarating as all get out. It really feels like things are changing and that is a great thing. For years, people have complained about the content they see coming out of Hollywood. They really didn’t like what was being produced at all. Their only solution was to stop watching. Stop going to the movies. Stop watching SNL. Stop watching the Oscars etc. The problem is, not participating in culture is a form of surrender. The solution is simple, but not easy, and that solution is to create your own entertainment. That’s the long and short of it. Just make your own! And that is precisely what is happening right now. Original content outside of the Hollywood system.

The Daily Wire announced a slew of original children’s content for their DailyWire+ platform. Content that includes a new live action re-telling of Snow White. We’ll post the trailer for you below. And the crew at That Show Tonight continues with their non-woke sketch comedy. It’s just funny sketches, cartoons and great performances from some outstanding musical acts.

Rome wasn’t built in a day. Neither was Hollywood. However, change doesn’t happen until someone starts. Someone has to actually begin. And that’s what’s so exciting about what’s happening now. New content. Original content that is made by independent creators. It’s a start. So, show your support by joining. It’s that easy. Go to ThatShowTonight.com and sign up! And make sure to check out the great stuff at DailyWirePlus

Here’s peek at Snow White and the Evil Queen.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round TheLoftusParty.com

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