The Week in Memes – Wifejack Edition

We confess, dear reader, that we were only vaguely familiar with the Soyjack, Wifejack and ___jack memes. But after last night, we are experts. So what are Wifejack memes? We’ll they’re kind of hard to define. Kind of like affectionate jabs at “what is this girl thinking” if she was your friend, wife, girlfriend or just a generic female. Here, check this out.

You get the idea. If that whetted your appetite, you can find more over at Twitchy. But we must move on. It has been a busy week.

Let’s see. Oh right, OJ Simpson died.

Of course NPR has a totally not biased take on OJs death.

To round out our week, Axios channeled every white women’s studies female (of all genders) to impose on us new terminology for the outdated, sexist and totally normal “Latino/Latina” gendered language. Enter “Latine”.

Fortunately, Hispanics and normal people of all races rejected it with fierce mockery.

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