Dune 2 on Blu-Ray, Stellar Blade and the case for Physical Media.

Dune 2 continues is phenomenal run at the box office. The flick has already brought in over $700 million globally in just 2 months. That’s a hit. So, now all eyes turn to the release date for Dune 2. Here’s what you need to know. The movie has already been released for digital streaming. You can “buy” a digital copy of Dune 2 as of April 16. Don’t do that. It’s a bad call. You want to buy the Blu-Ray when it comes out on May 14. Why? Because in today’s age of censorship you want to be in the habit of having a physical copy of what you bought.

In a nutshell, the powers that be can make digital copies go away whenever they want. If you don’t have it on your hard drive, they can simply erase it. Check out this headline from Forbes: PlayStation Store To Lose More Than 1,200 Purchasable Titles – With No Refunds

So, IF they can take it, do you really own it? And what if a studio decides to change the content of the movie or game you already “own” Digitally? The latest example of this is Stellar Blade. People who don’t own a physical copy are watching content get changed, edited and erased. All on a game they thought they “owned.”

Films, Books, Games shouldn’t be the victims of the politics of the day. Digital copies makes it all too easy to edit or erase a piece of art. Buy physical media. You’ll thank me later when someone if offended by something somewhere in the future. If you think Dune is off limits, just wait. It’s almost guaranteed to offend someone. Dune 2 is available on Blu-Ray May 14. Get the physical copy.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round TheLoftusParty.com

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