Kevin Costner swinging for the fences. Horizon: An American Saga (trailer 2)

We had to highlight the second trailer for Kevin Costner’s movie Horizon: An American Saga. We showed the first one and we’re not stopping now. First up, a little house keeping: The first movie hits theaters on June 28. That’s chapter one. Part 2 gets released on August 16th. That, kids, is ambitious. We dig it. Mr. Costner is swinging for the fences. Dude has a big story he wants to tell and this one helluva way to tell it. I can’t think of a movie or series that’s ever done anything like this before. We wish the makers of Horizon: An American saga, all the luck in the world. Let’s hope audiences turn up in droves. Yes, I like westerns. I’m glad to see someone making new ones.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round

2 comments on “Kevin Costner swinging for the fences. Horizon: An American Saga (trailer 2)

  1. DW Tripp says:

    Looks good. Probably going to piss of the Left because it won’t portray the Native Americans as poor, innocent, peace loving socialists. 90% I’ll drop a few bucks to see this one on the big screen.

    1. The Mgmt. says:

      Good times. Think I’m gonna try to catch this one on the big screen too. Huge risk for Costner. Think he put up 20 million of his own dough.

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