Serena Kosta

The keytar. It’s the totally rad, hybrid musical instrument of the 80s.

The first thing that typically comes to mind when hearing the word “keytar” is retro 80s, neon colors, synth-pop and new wave music. But did you know some of the first musicians to sport the keytar were jazz musicians? Well, silly me, I didn’t until I started doing some research! I just automatically assumed if…

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Cassette tapes. A fun rewind to a unique listening experience.

This week, let’s kick it old school. Sit back, wind down for the weekend, and reminisce about life when we listened to music on cassette tapes. Anyone alive during these fabulous decades has at least one life experience they can look back on. Maybe it was a first kiss? What about losing your V-card? Bad…

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Smoking or non-smoking? Taking a seat in the smoking section of the past.

Do you remember the last time you walked into a restaurant in the US, requested a table, and the host or hostess asked, “smoking or non-smoking?” On Gutfeld! the other night, I believe it was Tyrus who made an analogy which got me thinking. He used cigarette smokers as an example of people conforming themselves…

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Humor in the 90s. ‘In Living Color’ always kept us laughing.

There were so many good, funny, and sometimes controversial shows in the 90s, it’s hard to narrow it down to only one. But this week I wanted to go back to April 15, 1990 and the premiere of In Living Color on FOX. The show whose catchy theme song goes, “you can do what you…

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A toast to Y2K. Happy New Year a quarter of a century later.

It’s been a quarter of a century since the Millennium. Where were you at 11:59pm on Friday, December 31, 1999? Here’s a toast to Y2K. The year was 1999 and they were trying to convince us the world was going to end. Airplanes were going to fall out of the sky. Banking with a particular…

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Arcade Throwback: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

In light of the newly released Indiana Jones video game: Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, I recently took a trip down memory lane. Back to the 80s, when Atari released the very first. After the hit movie came out, the Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom arcade game was released in 1985. The…

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OMG I shot my eye out! Memorable scenes from A Christmas Story.

‘Tis the season for curling up by a fire, drinking hot chocolate (maybe with a little peppermint schnapps), and watching all of the Christmas movies. And if you have little ones, some of those movies at least 20 times throughout the holiday season. Considered a “must watch” movie in my household, hands down, was and…

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Chia Pets. No Christmas was complete without one.

I remember my fair share of giving and receiving gag gifts for Christmas growing up. One member of my family would receive a lump of coal in their stocking (whoever was on the naughty list that year). Or the endless, Russian doll-style, wrap job that led to a single gift taking about 30 minutes to…

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Gather around the campfire. Time for Are You Afraid of the Dark?

Kids of the 80s and 90s had so many ways to stay entertained. We of course could go outside, play with friends or talk on the phone for hours. There was the radio, tapes, and CDs for an endless supply of music. We also had a non-overwhelming amount of television shows and movies to watch…

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Throwback to John Madden’s Thanksgiving Turkey Trifecta

Let us please get back to the days where the biggest altercation at the Thanksgiving table was football, and not politics. A time when all the yelling and screaming was about whose team sucked more. But at the end of the evening, no one left without a hug and maybe a plate of leftovers. This…

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