This Week in What The F*ck?!

Put on your goggles and get ready for This Week in What the F*ck. It’s a collection of happenings and headlines that legit have us questioning people’s sanity.

Let’s start off with this nugget. Florida has a new Bill that keeps teachers from discussing sexual orientation and gender gender identity to little children and there is a chorus of outrage?! WTF? People are staging walkouts… because… they WANT to talk to little kids about sex? It’s insane!

Here’s another. Jussie ‘call me Juicy’ Smollett is already out of jail. HA! But that’s not the weird part. His brother, Jocqui Smollett insists there is absolutely no evidence that Jussie staged the hate crime. Huh. Okay. That’s pretty weird considering the testimony of the accomplices and the video etc.

And Space-X founder and Telsa head honcho, Elon Musk challenged Russian leader Vladimir Putin to single combat. At first, I was amused. Then I actually pondered the fight. I gotta call this one for Putin. Sure, Elon has flame throwers, but Putin is former KGB. Elon takes one sip from his spiked water bottle and boom, fights over. If it’s hand to hand combat? I still gotta go Putin. Sorry kids. Think he would fight way dirtier than Elon. Who do you think would win? Let us know in the comments.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round

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