After years of enduring mass hysteria over the lie that President Trump enacted a “Muslim ban,” the ruling class now applauds an actual Russian ban. And not only are progressives okay with it, but conservatives seem fine with it as well.
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Journalists, pundits, Democrats, progressives, many Republicans, many conservatives, and others pushed the “Muslim ban” narrative. Indeed, they happily spread this lie. They have never apologized for it nor have they even shown remorse for it.
And this lie was not an isolated incident. It came on top of two decades of the ruling class crying about us being “Islamophobes” and crying about us hating Middle Easterners. Two decades of our leaders calling us xenophobes, racists, white supremacists, bigots, and every other slur in the book.
Flash forward to today. Now we have a Russian ban of sorts in America. Businesses and other groups are banning Russian foods, drinks, and other things named after Russia and Russians. On top of this, they are also banning Russians themselves (simply for being Russian) from participating in events and activities in America. Our leaders should be opposing this; stopping it even. But they are not. They are cheering it on.
And what do conservatives—the ones who supposedly aren’t ruling class conservatives—have to say about all this? Not much. Here and there you might see an objection to it. But there’s no passion behind the objections. And as soon as the ruling class waves another shiny object in the news cycle, conservatives are off chasing that.
So we have a Russian ban and no one in power is objecting to it. Keep this in mind and keep all the other stuff our leaders do in mind too. They are awful, and they deserve our utter contempt.
Top Image: St. Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow, Russia. U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Tiffini Jones Vanderwyst (2011). The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.