This is precisely the kind of bullshit we can’t stand. Crap like this drives us bonkers. The Border Patrol agents who were accused by Biden of whipping people trying to cross the U.S. border were finally cleared of that insane charge. We all could see the pictures. We all knew that nobody got whipped. However, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris chose to condemn the agents and talk about how anti-whipping they were in the strongest possible terms. That’s when the border agent’s probable knew they were fucked. And they are. The agents are still in trouble.
When people in positions of power start talking levels of smack like Joe and Kamala? Someone is going to get in trouble. It’s almost inescapable. That appears to be what happened here. The agents were cleared, but wait, we’re not done. You will be punished. The crime? Being the focus of the wrath of Joe and Kamala. Here’s part of what the ‘investigation’ says it did find: they had used “unnecessary” force against the migrants. One agent was also found to have used “denigrating and inappropriate language and to have maneuvered his horse unsafely” during the incident.
Well holy crap! Maneuvered unsafely? That’s what they’re going with? What an absolute farce. Hopefully the border agents will be completely cleared of this petty shit. It’s a petty, shameful move from Joe and his gang of posers. Here’s more coverage from the NY Post –