You love to see it. A video like this. Rings of Power Pitch Meeting. This guy makes some hilarious stuff. Pointing out huge problems and insanity with big Hollywood projects. This video really struck a nerve with me just by the nature of the subject matter, Amazons Rings of Power. This show is hot turd in the swimming pool. It’s horrible. And quite possibly the most offensive show in history. No show has done more damage on the scale of Ring of Power. Not even close. The Lord of the Rings has sold 150 million copies to date. That’s a big number. And a huge number of fans of Tolkien. We’re guessing the vast majority of those fans actively despised Rings of Power. There may be a small amount of high functioning morons that liked both. However, we would guess they lied about reading the books. Maybe they just sounded out the words all in row. But they certainly didn’t ‘get it’. If they did? They would aggressively hate Rings of Power. There is no middle ground. Tolkien’s creation is a timeless thing of wonder and beauty. Amazon’s Rings of Power is wet fart at a wedding that everyone in attendance both hears and sees. Anyway, here’s a funny video.