Believe me when I tell you that I am legit trying to take my time with all of this. The last thing I want to do is add fuel to the fire. When it comes to the attempted assassination of the Donald, I am truly thankful that Trump is okay. One millimeter made all the difference. This would be a truly different America today if Trump doesn’t tilt his head that teeny bit. (More on that in upcoming posts)
We have tons of questions about the Secret Service and Permanant Washington, the shooter and everything else. Just like you do, I imagine. I won’t speculate about it. Still going to gather as much information as I can. With that being said the reactions and insights on social media have been very telling. And there is plenty of insanity to go around. Here’s just a sample.
To say I’m disappointed with Tenacious D is an understatement.
They can’t get into the shooters phone? That is super suss.