It’s something right out of Geroge Orwell’s 1984. The media is trying to change history right before our eyes. It wild to watch. Right now, there’s a fight over Kamala’s past. More specifically, her role in the border crisis. It would seem that media outlets don’t want people referring to Kamala Harris as the Border Czar, or the person in charge of the border. They are actively making denials and rewriting history, scrubbing old articles. Unfortunately for them, the internet remembers. People still have copies of everything. Let’s take a look at the changes in Kamala Harris coverage. We’ll throw in some other tidbits too. Why? We’re cool like that. Also, the biggest of shout outs to Elon Musk and X. Just a short time ago, rewriting history and censorship was standard on social media. But the times they are a changing.
here’s a scary one. Off topic but scary af.