This is hilarious to me. As the “they are weird” talking point is making the rounds on the internet and the DNC tries to make a meal of the “weird” word. There are a couple of things worth noting. It looks like the who “weird” thing was started by Trump. He was talking with Tucker Carlson back on July 3rd about the way Kamala Harris speaks. He said it was weird. The whole thing is weird. This is where I think the whole thing started. I think someone on team Kamala saw this clip and was gob smacked. This throwaway comment by Trump hit so hard, they realized they needed to get in front of it by calling the other side weird. HA! That’s where I believe the JD is weird thing started. Observe.
So cut to: The DNC releasing the “they’re weird” talking points. The comment must’ve really got their panties in a twist because every talking head on the left was repeating it. And yeah, that made it weird. Like disturbingly weird.
This is where the fun really starts. The internet wasted no time in mocking the people who were throwing around the weirdness. By showing them just how weird they were. It’s funny and we’re here for it.
So, to summarize: Trump called Kamala weird. The left flipped out. Went too far and now it’s backfiring in the most hilarious way. Nothing weird about that.