Elon and Trump have the biggest conversation of the year and that’s not even the story! Listen here.

In case you missed it, there was a bit of an event last night on social media. Elon Musk had a conversation with Donald Trump. The results were big. Incredibly big. In terms of numbers and impressions, it may have been the biggest online event…ever. Elon Musk posted this:

Okay, I just think it’s wild for the number to be around 1 billion. That’s billion with a ‘b’. However, that isn’t the story. The big takeaway is the reach of X. The gigantic reach. This interview with Trump is an undeniable gamechanger for legacy media. Almost since the invention of radio, a small group of individuals would decide what the news was. They would also decide how that news would be interpreted. That’s the power of legacy media. Well, it used to be the power. Now there are other platforms. Having an independent space is insanely important. It’s one of the reasons I started TLP. Independance.

It’s these independent voices that should give you hope. Elon Musk has done us all a huge favor by taking over Twitter/X. He is able to champion free speech and provide news and insights you won’t get from legacy media. The Trump interview is a grand example. It’s a long form interview. Not full of gotcha questions. It’s not adversarial. It’s simply two very smart people discussing the challenges of life in the modern world. To say it’s refreshing is the understatement of the year. Here’s the conversation with Elon Musk and Donald Trump from last night.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round TheLoftusParty.com

2 comments on “Elon and Trump have the biggest conversation of the year and that’s not even the story! Listen here.

  1. Carla S Caruso says:

    Take THAT Zuckerberg! One Billion – WOW!!

    1. The Mgmt. says:

      that’s a big number!!

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