I’t not the point he was trying to make but John Kerry just made a great case for the 1st amendment. See, when a guy like John Kerry starts using phrases like “what we need” and the challenges “we” face in a setting like the world economic forum, you really start to wonder what “we” he’s talking about? Is he referencing the WEF? I think so, because it doesn’t sound like he’s talking about Americans. This is disturbing little clip from a guy who ‘s track record isn’t really stellar when it comes to being right on an issue. But check out this video where John Kerry speak about the challenges that come with freedom of speech. It’s just tad bit disturbing.
This is probably a good time to remind everyone that freedom of speech is numero uno in the US Constitution for a reason. It’s kind of a big deal. Being able to say exactly what you think. Make for a well-informed voter and robust debates on the issues. Kind of what makes America special. Sorry if that upsets you. However, if you’re thinking about making adjustments. You should take a peek at the 2nd amendment. That one kind of insures the 1st.
And just to provide some context for Mr. Kerry, here’s a fun clip.
He’s just a guy that want’s things a certain way! That wacky John Kerry. At least he has a track record of being so incredibly correct!