That Madison Square Garden rally really hit a nerve. Let’s discuss.

Last night, presidential candidate Donald Trump held a rally at Madison Square Garden in the heart of NYC. We need to talk about it. And there’s a lot to discuss. Trump has had rallies all across America, what made this one so different? Why was their such an uproar? I think the answer is simple: It was in the heart of ‘enemy’ territory. NYC is blue. That is a democrat stronghold. That’s how it feels anyway. And if Trump can sell out MSG and deliver that kind of crowd. That is going to shake up every level of the Dem machine. That includes the media. They seem to be losing their minds. The rally at Madison Square Garden can only be viewed as a success. It’s dominating the headlines again today. The media will try to spin it, but that rally was absolutely a political success. No matter what the spin is.

The number of people in and around MSQ was incredible.

This clip very much stands out. Stories like this never seem to get the headlines.

And for all the truly shameful comparisons to a certain leader of Germany, we won’t give those much attention. It’s completely despicable. We will say this though: Even the NYC Mayor isn’t buying it.

And lastly, I’m not going to comment on a comedian telling jokes. Because they are jokes.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round

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