The people who tell Biden what to do need to calm down with the missiles. Thank you. Much appreciated.

Biden just has a handful of weeks left in the Oval Office and the people who tell him what to do seem hell bent on starting World War 3. Some big brain idiot decided that giving Ukraine long range missiles would be a good idea. This seems only to be ‘good’ for the morons that want the Russia/Ukraine war to escalate.

Now, a lot of money can be made from war, but that kind of becomes problematic when there’s nowhere to spend it because everyone on the planet is dead. So…. let’s not do the whole WW3 thing.

So, according to Thomas Massie, it’s not only jacked up, but also unconstitutional. Thankfully Trump has sent a message, looking to deescalate things.

Add that to the reasons people voted for Trump: Sanity. It’s not all walls and nicknames. It’s also sanity. Let’s hope it works! The alternative isn’t pretty.

In conclusion: Fuck these warmongering dipshits that got us here. The same shadowy turd blossoms that really run this puppet show of a Biden admin.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round

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