Welcome to: You reap what you sow. Legacy media is in its death throws due to, in large part, lying to the American public for decades and when people like Elon Musk point it out, they aren’t too happy. Check out this clip from the new CEO of Axios.
It’s worth pointing out that I have never been to Axios. Why? Just from there headline, you can smell the bias. And when you can smell the bias? That’s not news. That’s not journalism. That’s propaganda. And that is why legacy media has to go away. They have broken trust with the public. It’s over. The decades long stranglehold that legacy media had over the flow of information is bad for humanity. This is important shit here!
Our nation is a bizarre and unorthodox experiment. It ONLY works if the populace is informed and can make decisions based on facts. Not legacy medias wants and desires.
Am I sorry that people will be out of work for a while? Sure. Am I also sorry that legacy media calls every conservative presidential candidate a bloodthirsty monster? Yeah. Here’s the big question: Is Legacy Media sorry? I don’t think they are! I think they’re sorry they can’t steer the population into believing lies. I think they’re sorry for not having power and money. I’m sure that sucks for them. Does anyone recall an apology for the Russia collusion BS? And apology for Covid treatments and Mask? Or where Covid came from? Those are big deals! They didn’t even apologize! Screw them.
So, yes. Legacy Media is dead. Victims of self-inflicted wounds. I can’t believe they held on as long as they did! Elon Musk just hurried things along with his purchase of X. And for that, we should all be eternally grateful.