As it seems to be a holiday tradition in itself, another Christmas song is coming under fire for its inappropriate content. (RELATED: The House Is Rockin’…and Everyone’s Welcome)
This year’s perpetrator is “Fairy Tale of New York” by The Pogues with Kirsty MacColl. For years, the happy, trashy couple in the song filled us all with holiday warm fuzzies as they exchanged heated insults including “slut” and “faggot”–two words which one BBC channel has decided to censor due to the insensitive language.
I’ve listened to this song for years and, as any Pogues’ fan who has the original “If I Should Fall from Grace with God” album (which also features a lively jig dropping the F-Bomb at least 10 times) will tell you, their Christmas ditty is mild in comparison, and completely unworthy of the cancel treatment. Here it is in all its catchy glory.
So what other songs might get cancelled? Here are a few that very well could be targeted.
Santa Lost a Ho
The Christmas Jug Band lets us know Santa is feeling a bit less than jolly, since he’s lost one of his happy holiday “Hos.” Well, at least he’s still doin’ Heidi.
Dear Santa
Remember the original, virtuous chorus of “Do They Know It’s Christmas” from Band Aid, which didn’t so much feed the children of Africa as let everyone know they care? Well, some children do have it bad, and this wish list sung by comedian Sean Morey shows us that. Even the children of the world want him dead.
Merry F*king Christmas
No one is an equal opportunity offender like South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker, and this song pokes fun at American insensitivity, and every other country to boot. Complete with a consistent array for the f-bomb.
The Christmas Song
Adam Sandler had a hit with “The Hanukkah Song,” but he also did a Christmas song as well back when Saturday Night Live was a comedy show. Here’s his tribute to bad kids everywhere…really, really bad kids.
Let’s Put Christ Back in Christmas
Sorry you’ve had to endure this array of insensitive content, but perhaps we have to get back to the Reason for the Season and listen to comedian and musician Pat Godwin. Let’s get Christ back in Christmas, be joyous, and for the love of all that is good, laugh a little bit.