Superman for the Atari 2600 Was a Great Game

Superman for the Atari 2600 came out in the late 70s. And if you first played it then or in the 80s, you’ll find that it remains an enjoyable video game to play.

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Modern gamers probably won’t enjoy the 2600 version of Superman. They probably won’t enjoy the 2600 at all–not unless they’re really into historic video games. But if you played Superman when it originally came out, then you’ll find that if you play it again today, it remains fun. And the fun lies not just in winning the game, but in seeing how fast you can do it.

In other words, because it’s a race against the clock, it has a replayable factor. And that’s a key factor in any game that is great or at least very good.

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Check out the video review of Superman for the Atari 2600 from The No Swear Gamer. He has some additional and slightly different views of it than I do.

And let us know what you think of the game in our comment section.

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