Yes, that’s a robot that can eat people. So, of course they’re making it. (Video)

Welcome to the future. Guess what? The future is now and it’s deeply troubling. Meet EATR, the Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot. It uses biomass to fuel itself. Biomass. The wiki page say’s biomass is plants and only plants – but looks like someone may have other ideas! Yup. A robot that can eat people. And yes. It would appear as if China is taking that idea and running with it. Maybe their version is just picking up mannequins and giving them hugs, we don’t know. We do know this though: If you can think of a nefarious use for a robot? Someone else has too. And some military somewhere is looking into the idea for real. Just like the ‘adorable’ robot dogs from Boston Dynamics. Governments simply were chomping at the bit to field test those bots during the Covid scare. And of course, they did.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round

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