Amazon’s Rings of Power was an epic, expensive fail. There’s no hiding it.

The biggest of shout outs to Nerdrotic for putting together this blow-by-blow video. Even the heartiest defenders of Rings of Power can’t escape reality. They all know what the rest of us knew a long time ago. This show is shit. Amazon’s Rings of Power was a gigantic, expensive fail. What’s more? Amazon knows it too. Now we can put the pieces together and break down just how badly this show was received. As Variety points out, the silence from Amazon about Rings is deafening. If it had done well? Amazon would be dancing in the streets. Then there are the disappearing viewers after 2 episodes of Rings. People just didn’t come back for more. Why? Well, it was written like bad fan fiction. Take Tolkien out of the equation for a second. The show made little to no sense. Shit just kind of happened for inexplicable reasons of than it might be cool looking. Bad, bad, bad writing. There is no escape from that basic truth. So, where did viewers go? The House of the Dragon on HBO. Their viewers numbers continued to grow, and their social media mentions exploded! Why? It’s a better show! You care about the characters and what is going on their world. Better writing. End of story. But we’re always happy when Nerdrotic lays it out. Good times. Check out the video –

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round

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