RIP Kevin Conroy. The definitive voice of Batman.

Actor Kevin Conroy has passed after a battle with cancer. He was 66 years old. His work and talent will live forever though. While enjoying a successful acting career, Conroy was most famous for his iconic work as Batman. Make no mistake. Kevin Conroy is the definitive voice of Batman. In 1992 Batman: The Animated series debuted. It was one of those rare projects in Hollywood when the creative team got everything right. Everything. The look of show was incredible. The tone was perfect. The stories. The music. ALL OF IT. It’s the show that introduced the world to Harley Quinn. The Joker was voiced by Mark Hamill and his work was the stuff of legend. Then we got Kevin Conroy as Batman. Simply the best. He didn’t just slap on a gravelly voice and clock in. He got nuance. He understood the character. He gave Batman gravitas, pathos and more importantly, life. Seeing Conroy’s name on any Batman project would literally set your mind at ease. You would know it was going to be good because they cared enough to hire Kevin Conroy to voice Batman. That is an awesome testimony to Conroy’s work. Rest in peace, Kevin Conroy. You will be missed.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round

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