The Callisto Protocol (trailer) Is there no end to this tired genre?

Please make it stop. The tired genre of Zombie games. It’s embarrassing at this point. Here’s the trailer for The Callisto Protocol. Are we supposed to be excited? What’s the expectation? Hey look! Another first-person zombie game, but this one is set on a moon of Jupiter! What in the actual fuck? Can we please give this entire genre a break? We have plenty of zombie titles. Tons. But there seems to be a constant addition to the pile of these unimaginative paint by number games. It is so completely boring at this point. So utterly predictable. A man/woman is sent to/wakes up on a ship/prison only to find the place is overrun with …zombies. Let me guess: The government did it. A secret experiment has gone horribly awry. Fucking hell. Dress is it up all you want. Change the skins. Change the environment. Put it on a spaceship. I dont’ care. It’s the same game. Just a constant regurgitation of the same tired hack idea. Make it stop. Just for a little bit. It feels like there’s a new one of these titles every week. The Callisto Protocol comes out on Dec 2 2022. Hopefully the poor souls who had to make this get a much-deserved break. They have to be numb by now.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round

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