Here’s some exciting news. A book by yours truly. I have taken the leap into the world of novels. It’s the first of what I hope will be many, many more. Nerve wracking? Sure. Also, very exciting! Always a good mix. Here’s the inside scoop: The title is “Neither Stunning nor Brave”. It’s fiction. It’s out now. Neither Stunning nor Brave is available at Amazon. You can get it as a traditional Paperback or for you Kindle. Either way is cool. And yes, it makes a great gift idea for the holidays! Just saying. If you do get the book just know that I sincerely appreciate you and think you’re slightly better as a person than people who didn’t buy it. HA!
Like most things on the Internet, the algorithm is everything. The way to combat that is simple. Leaving a review or stars on Amazon would be delightful! Again, thank you! Somehow you’ve gone up another notch or two in my eyes. How are you so cool?! I love ya!
If ‘1984’ and ‘Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy’ had sex with ‘Fight Club’, this book would be their baby. “Neither Stunning nor Brave”. Hope you dig it. Here’s the synopsis from the back cover:
Avery always followed the rules, even as the late-21st-century kept changing them almost hourly. He went to school. He got a respectable job in the megacity of San Josisco. At night he took social sensitivity therapy just because his girlfriend thought it was a good idea. He was a nice guy. Life wasn’t easy but everything was worth it because he had a goal: a new life of freedom on Mars.
Then one small act of kindness made him public enemy number one.
Now he’s a nice guy on the run from pretty much everyone: the United Nations, a small army of socially conscious armed drones, the local authorities, and a crazy reality show co-hosted by his ex. Just to name a few. His only hope? A band of insane outlaws in the badlands of what used to be called Texas.
Avery’s in bigger trouble than he ever could have imagined, and he has no clue how he’s going to get to Mars . . . or even survive the night.
Hey! I love the premise of the book. My son is sadly at the moment in prison. Another inmate gave your book to him. I am a top reviewer in Amazon. I have been the editor for many books by several authors out there too. Anyways. I would love to let you know that my son said I HAD to read this and review for each of us. I would like to know if you have an epub I can grab and throw up this glowing but honest review? My son would not stop talking about it the entire call, if that’s not glowing, it sure made me want to read it! I’m also going to order it, so that it is a paid review. Anyway, I truly appreciate it and again, my son said this should be an entire series!!!
Am very sad this is only sold by Amazon. Please MLoftus, offer it on your own website. I’d buy it in immediately from a company that did not sign…..
……I am boycotting Amazon and all 107 companies that signed that ridiculous letter opposing the Georgia election reform law — please people, read that law! The only votes that law will suppress are those of dead people, non-US citizens, and those who vote more than once. Have an actual conversation with a person who struggles economically. How do you think they get food stamps? Housing help? Childcare help? With their state IDs! Illegal voting hurts the poor the most. Please read that law and support fair and honest voting laws.
Totally understand. Am boycotting some stuff as well. Appreciate you leaving the comment. Hopefully in the near future we’ll be able to sell the book here. Have a great day and keep checking back. Thanks again! – M
In this novel, Neither Stunning Nor Brave, the author, Michael Loftus, introduces us to a dystopian world far more imaginative and terrifying than that depicted in Nineteen Eighty-Four, and made all the scarier because any American not affiliated with a Victim Group can see the start of an Unbrave New World happening right now in real time. The worst thing about this nightmarish world is how people are so eager to snitch on fellow citizens for the smallest infraction, if not for no infraction at all, if only due to their hurt feelings. At the start of the story, a worthless Nobody, Big Betsy, rats out the protagonist, Avery, for programming a toilet dispenser to release four squares rather than two squares – a good, generous act, right? – and then she has the twisted audacity to feel virtuous for having initiated the ruin of a stranger’s life. Avery ends up losing his job, all his money and credit. His girlfriend from Hell – i.e., the Standard Leftist White Woman trying desperately to create ways to be accepted as one of the Oppressed – will give the reader a splitting headache with how she torments and betrays her formerly obedient boyfriend with her upside-down thinking and manufactured outrage. Avery’s best friend joins the posse to hunt him down like a dog because it will earn him a substantial financial reward. These three dishonorable people truly BELIEVE that they are acting in an honorable way. And that is what is so depressing about the world today – the worst people are being rewarded at the expense of the best people. This is where Loftus meets Orwell with how language is being twisted so that one word now has the opposite definition. THEFT = LIBERATION, MAN = WOMAN, THEY = SHE, etc.
In one scene, we get satire that mocks many facets of the Woke Indoctrination. Corporations have come up with a clever device of how to placate the Woke mob by giving them want they really want: free commercial items — clothes, sneakers, TVs, accompanied by a false sense of social justice. The company erects prop stores filled with stuff they want to get rid of anyway, whereupon the converging mob waits for some internet story to pop up so to use as a source of phony outrage, a pretext to smash their way into the Potemkin structure and cart away booty. The story they find is about a man who has been denied the opportunity to enlist in the Navy Seal program because to has no arms and no legs. When Avery mentions that the job of a Seal is to be able to swim and how that would be impossible with zero limbs, he must retract his skepticism because it contradicts not only commonsense, but the Mob’s reason to Loot. In other words, human nature is base, and once society rewards our weaker, darker nature rather than enforce codes that keep it at bay for the benefit of ALL, then the result is a nightmare world filled with people too muddleheaded to realize that they are hastening their own destruction.
The Woke ideology that is now taking over American society scolds you into ignoring commonsense and, more bizarre, that which is happening right in front of your eyes. How can we forget the iconic 2020 video of the mainstream reporter telling the audience that these are “mostly peaceful protests” while behind him is a city in flames? In this novel, Loftus mentions “mostly peaceful protests” more than once and always in quotation marks. Forget about reality, you must instead BELIEVE the WORDS that float around, severed from their true definition, while somehow still directing you to hate America.
There is the passage about how Art has devolved to just blank canvases – not a trace of ink or paint. The reason is that any rendered image will offend someone, even, and especially, some mentally ill nonentity rubbing the MSNBC tattoo on her forehead. But the insanity gets worse: “…if a male student hangs a blank canvas, that’s a form of ownership and incredibly sexist and offensive at the same time.” Crazy, yes, but nowadays one can plausibly see this about to become an accepted reality.
The novel is filled with such spot-on commentary that enrages you to the point of distraction. On the other hand, there are the irritating aspects of the book, and one in particular: Avery, who is supposed to be a computer programming genius, makes more dumb decisions than a teenaged girl in a horror film. This gets especially frustrating when people are trying to legitimately help him and he’s too thickheaded to see this even after multiple demonstrations that these people are on his side. On a lesser irritating note, there is the antithesis of the Standard Leftist White Woman, Kate, who is all the heroines from all the novels of Carl Hiaasen, the lady who is so cool that she lacks an individual personality. But it is Kate who offers the best reason as to why the majority of Americans are going along with this dystopian nonsense: “Want to know how to build the best prison? Build one where the prisoners don’t want to leave.” Aldous Huxley said pretty much the same thing.
Satire is the exaggeration of ridiculous human thought and behavior. A Microaggression is when a Wokester expresses pain and outrage by exaggerating what a total stranger said about something that had nothing to do with the same Wokester curled up in a fetal position wearing eight facemasks while hugging a portrait of Saint Dr. Fauci. Such a scenario demands that the Microaggressor to be practically God-like in his omniscience to foresee that one word from him will have the Butterfly Effect of harming a sniveling weakling on the other side of the world. So how do you exaggerate and satirize an exaggeration? Loftus does it by having Avery’s lawyer confess that he spent years in trauma therapy because, as a kid, his father owned a case that the lawyer imagined had contained a gun. There was no gun, of course, but because the lawyer believed there was a gun, then that became his Truth, hence the horrible trauma!
I admire Loftus and Douglas Murray for how they can maintain a light and healthy demeanor while studying and then recounting the evils of Wokeness. I wish I was more like them and could read Neither Stunning Nor Brave without myself going off in a fit of rage. Does that make me a Wokester by another name and affiliation? I am now reading Douglas Murray’s The Madness of Crowds. I hope to learn how to remain calm and therefore smart, if not amused, when being confronted by the latest news of the Left’s Newspeak, just like Michael Loftus.
WOW! Thank you so much for this! Made my day!! (please tell me you left a review on Amazon. Ha!) Really appreciate this!
Michael, I just put the review on Amazon, as you wished. You’re welcome!
Last year, I lost my head and wrote a Streaming series pilot in which Space Aliens watch a hours of cable and network news only to learn that the problem with Earth are these White People. So they incinerate them all, because their mission in to do good in the Universe, which leaves the rest of the planet to still form tribes and fight each other — in sum, things get worse with no one to blame for the sins of the world. I sent it out and the response was, Wow what an original idea, but, dude, no one will ever put this into production. Perhaps this is why I dumped so much energy into reviewing your book. Or maybe you wrote a good book.
Looking forward to seeing you again on Gutfeld.