Kim K’s Moral Compass stuck on “Soulless Horrible Person” when she fails to drop Balenciaga after child sexualization ad.

It took Kim Kardashian almost a week to even address the Balenciaga ad campaign that featured children holding BDSM clad teddy bears. The ad also included a page from a court document about ‘virtual child porn’. And it took a Kim Kardashian close to a week to just address it. Just to find the wherewithal to talk about it. What in the actual fuck? What is going on with her or any other spokesperson for Balenciaga? How is this not the easiest decision you’ve ever made? They sexualized children. You’re done. It’s over. But not for Kim K.

Here’s some of what the Kardashian said on Twitter. “I have been quiet for the past few days, not because I haven’t been disgusted and outraged by the recent Balenciaga campaigns, but because I wanted an opportunity to speak to their team to understand for myself how this could have happened.” Okay, Kim. We’ll walk you through it and pretend as if you don’t know how advertising works. Someone thought the sexualization of children was a good idea. They took the pictures. They showed the pics to their boss at Balenciaga, and everyone went forward with it. Tada! They YOU acted like these pictured just magically appeared out of nowhere.

Kim has more on Twitter: “As for my future with Balenciaga, I am currently re-evaluating my relationship with the brand, basing it off their willingness to accept accountability for something that should have never happened to begin with — & the actions I am expecting to see them take to protect children.” She’s re-evaluating her relationship with the brand. Again: WTF?! What is there to re-evaluate? What part of this are you okay with Kim? If someone at a party came up to you and started showing you pictures of little kids holding BDSM teddy bears, you wouldn’t re-evaluate your relationship. You’d flip out. Unless you’re Kim Kardashian evidently. That’s where this gets really creepy. KIm K. doesn’t need the money. Why not drop Balenciaga like a hot perv potato? That she’s still having anything to do with them speaks volumes!

As for Balenciaga, they say they didn’t approve any of the pictures. Yeah. Sure. That happens all the time with multi-million-dollar companies. They let anyone run their ad campaigns. A lot of the time they don’t even look at the pictures first! You’ll find this a lot in the fashion world too. They just hand cameras out to random people off the street, let them take a bunch of pictures and that becomes the new ad campaign. Again, the multi-million-dollar company doesn’t even look at the pictures until the rest of the world does. Is THAT what we are supposed to believe? Are you high? There is zero chance that’s the case. Zero. We all know it. Everyone with a brain knows it. Kim Kardashian knows it too. As does every other brand ambassador for Balenciaga like Nichole Kidman and Bella Hadid who used to be on the payroll but are, as of now, mysteriously silent.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round

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