We were on a quest to find out who was the top bikini influencer on Instagram in 2022. Who is making the biggest splash with the most followers and engagement rate with those afore mentioned followers. After all, what’s the use of having millions of fans if nothing happens. Instagram is big biz! Here’s what we found out. Clocking in with close to ten million followers is artist Mathilde. She not only has a boatload of fans, but she also has an engagement rate of 3.89 which is top of the class. Ya love to see it. Interaction. And that interaction comes in handy when you have your own line of swimwear, which @mathildetantot does. Yup. You know we love that entrepreneurial spirit, so make sure you checkout @khassaniswimwear too! Congrats @mathildetantot you’re the tops (and bottoms) for bikini model influencers on Instagram in 2022!