Captain America: Brave New World (trailer) Marvel has a giant ‘murky’ problem. I’ll pass on this flick.

Here’s the trailer for Disney Marvel’s Captain America: Brave New World. Take a look. Mull it over. Then give my assessment some thought. Disney Marvel has a ‘Murky’ problem. It’s not just Marvel, it’s Disney Star Wars too. But we’ll focus on Marvel for this piece. Here’s the trailer. We’ll pick up below.

I’ll just cut to the chase. I’m not a fan of Disney and Marvel’s new love affair with murky movies. Meaning: not fully explained or understood, especially with concealed dishonestly or immorality. “The murky world of espionage” That definition. That seems to be Disney Marvel and Disney Star Wars bread and butter these days. “What is good?” “Who are the good guys?” “Are the bad guys wrong?” Without getting into a whole treatise on writing and the history of film and comic books, I’ll say this: You need to keep it simple sometimes. Good guys against the bad guys. Yes, the bad guys need motivation and should think they are right. But keep is simple. The Captain America: Brave New World trailer is mess.

What is going on in this flick? What is this movie about? Was that the Red Hulk at the end? What the fuck am I watching? Am I rooting for the Falcon? Or is he mad at Harrison Ford? Is he a good guy? No. He’s in on it. Hey, look the bad guy from Breaking Bad! He’s the go to bad guy in every project in Hollywood. What is this movie even about? It’s a superhero movie! You won’t sell me a ticket on the hopes of seeing winter falcon guy flying around. (I may just refer to him as winter falcon forever now, it amuses me) I can see captain falcon guy fly on Disney plus.

Stop giving me open ended movies and murky plots and trailers. You know why they do this? They can’t write. They don’t know what they are doing, so they leave themselves ‘outs’. If you keep it murky you can always claim some character was secretly undercover (Disney Star Wars Spy) or if a villain sucks you can reveal the ‘real’ villain in the next movie. Looking at you Eternals.

Maybe there’s an audience for this Palace Intrigue, battle of the secret BS, murky superhero shit. But I’m not part of it. I’m gonna pass on Winter Falcon: Battle of the American Shield throwers CIA summer picnic and weapons expo Red Hulk movie. The move drifts into theaters like a fog February 14th.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round

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