We didn’t watch The Acolyte finale, but the Drinker did. Disney Star Wars is nothing but a pandering mess. (video)

Hey look! Is that the back of Yoda’s head in the picture for the finale review of The Acolyte? It’s either and old Yoda, or time traveling baby Grogu, who grew up and went back in time! Who cares at this point? Disney pulled out all the logic bending stops for this one. Throwing in new characters at the last second (Darth Plageuis anyone?) and even a Yoda cameo. All this in a super lame attempt to get someone excited about this uncoordinated trainwreck of a show. The Acolyte finale has come and gone. We have thoughts.

Disney Star Wars treats the fans like dumb animals. They think they can just throw out a couple characters at the last second and all is forgiven. Just go back, do some CGI Yoda and all the fans will be happy. It’s pathetic. And if you got excited to see Darth Gollum do a cave wall shadow reveal. I would invite you to get out of the house more. Don’t let Disney Star Wars demean you like this. Don’t be satisfied with getting shit on for 8 episodes of The Acolyte garbage only to kiss the ass of your abuser when they hand out a Yoda cameo. It’s sad. For you. You deserve better.

Here’s the Critical Drinker’ review of The Acolyte finale on Disney Plus.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round TheLoftusParty.com

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