Christmas ‘L’s’ for Some Holiday Season Laughs

Is it getting busy out there for you this Christmas season?

No matter how much you love Christmas, you can get overwhelmed with getting everything done. When that happens, you can get a little loopy and things can go wrong. Of course, things can happen that are totally beyond our control.

Good thing we have the Internet to document these moments indefinitely.

First, if you gotta face some Christmas embarrassment, like say Grandma actually getting run over by reindeer, it’s better if the great Steve Inman is there to provide the color commentary:

Sometimes, you just don’t have the money to express the real meaning of the season, but it is the thought that counts:

Speaking of thoughts, please think about spacing and margins before setting up your light display:

Also, if you are going to set up some inflatables, remember deer get real touchy about “cultural appropriation”:

Did I emphasize the importance of thinking things through?

With Christmas comes colder weather, and here’s a look at how Southerners (and us in the Southwest) handle it:

Finally, one I’ll call a “Win” because I would totally do this:

Remember, Christmas can be stressful, but it is also beautiful and ends faster than you think. Be joyous this season. And laughter, is one of the healthiest forms of joy around.

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