Here’s the Republicans Who Support the Insane Infrastructure Bill

Well, at least we now know who to be upset with. Here’s the names of all the Republicans who support the insane infrastructure bill.

(RELATED: The Donald Had Some Choice Words about the ‘Infrastructure’ Bill & Mitch McConnell)

Tucker Carlson did a report the other night and we have the video. He goes into a bit a detail about the absolutely bonkers spending and where the money is going. It is madness. How in the hell can anyone who calls themselves a conservative vote for this kind of spending?

Well, at least we know who to vote out now.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round

2 comments on “Here’s the Republicans Who Support the Insane Infrastructure Bill

  1. Robert Hall says:

    why would any republicans vote for such a stupid bill knowing they will be voted out come 2022 and help Biden destroy America I lived 68 years and never saw such division in America and democrats being so controlled by a hand full of socialist they have no mind of their own sad buy true

    1. The Mgmt. says:

      It’s really disturbing. They want a vote today without a CBO score of just how expensive bill would be. Madness

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