So many new cyberpunk things happening right now! A major new DLC has been announced, a huge new update has just released, and the Netflix anime is right around the corner.
So, a new DLC is on its way for the futuristic dystopian video game that is Cyberpunk. The major new DLC, “Phantom Liberty” looks like its gonna be insanely fun! The trailer is pretty vague story wise, but is has something to do with “The New United States of America” whatever that means! The DLC comes out in 2023 so there is a lot of time for them to reveal more about the story.
Along with new cosmetics, new weapons, new cyberware, and all that jazz, it looks like there will be a new weapon that can only be described as a golden string. This thing more like a yoyo, but it is absolutely shredding through enemies in the trailer. It also looks awesome.
Alright, the DLC is a big deal, but it’ll be an even bigger deal in about a year when it actually releases. More immediate cyberpunk news is the Netflix Anime that releases in just a few days, September 13th. It looks nuts!
In even more immediate cyberpunk news, the new 1.6 – “Edgerunners” update is now live! This update goes alongside the show, adding cosmetics from the yet to be released anime, along with weapons, cyberware, and new side missions. Three new side missions to be exact. A new chainsaw sword along with other crazy weapons. A new arcade game that can be played at arcade machines. Last but not least, Cross-Progression if you wanted to have the same save data on Xbox, Playstation, and computer at the same time.
To wrap up, there’s a ton of new cyberpunk content that has just released, is releasing in just a few days, and major content additions releasing next year. The game is a great game, it got a bad wrap when it was released, but after playing it I can confidently say that it’s one of the most fun games I have ever played. It is really amazing to see this game continue to add new content, update and fix the existing game, and branch out and make an anime with one of the best animation studios in the game; Trigger. I mean c’mon now, it’s awesome!