It’s getting chippy out there, kids. Ratings and reviews are super important. It looks as if Amazon got busted over Rings of Power reviews. They didn’t like the bad ones, so they hid them. How many did Amazon delete? We they really getting review bombed or is Ring of Power just an old school bad show? How can we trust amazon moving forward? The Loftus Party editor in chief has so many questions!
Not surprised at all Amazon would hide unflattering reviews. Observations are clear and correct. Not only do companies project lies outwardly, they deceive themselves internally.
Perhaps it has something to do with the tendency of herd mentality where butt kissers link-up and suck-ass their way into the chain of comand. Like the Danish folktale “The Emperor’s Nee Clothes.”
CEOs, VPs and Directors, should remain vigilant of the constant suck-up from lower rank leaders and their own delusions of grandeur. Honest dissent is necessary to every costly project.
well said! let’s normalize honest reviews! LOL