Are you stoked for Foundation season two? Super excited? We aren’t either. What we are is intrigued. Foundation is just such a solid idea. Based on the classic sci fi novels. And Apple has spent a fortune on this thing. It should be so much better. That’s a big part of the intrigue over here at The Loftus Party entertainment center. This should be really good. But it’s ‘meh’ at best. Granted, I haven’t read ‘Foundation’ so, I am all the way out of the loop. Maybe they insanely strayed from the source material. I legit don’t know. But the show has all the excitement of leftover spaghetti from a can. Yes, it looks fantastic and also yes, I’ll be checking out season two, just to see if they can keep this giant budget mediocrity going. Heres’ the trailer for Foundation season two. The show returns to AppleTV+ on July 14, 2023.