Mike Pence ‘Pumping Gas’ campaign ad is perfect. (video)

If you haven’t seen this, you’re in for a treat. Here we have a campaign ad for Mike Pence where he pretends to pump gas. It’s perfect. Now when I say it’s perfect, I’m talking about metaphors and symbolism. This ad is politics and politicians. Mr. Pence stands there, pretending to actually do work. He’s just straight up pretending. All the while telling the voters what he stands for and what will happen when he gets to D.C. Meanwhile, alarm bells are going off in the background indicating there is a very real problem. One that he expertly ignores but we can ALL hear. We know something is wrong, but not Mike Pence. He’ll stand there, talking and pretending to work the whole time. It’s perfect.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round TheLoftusParty.com

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