Now Captain America Is Woke? Guess He’s Captain Propaganda Now

Say goodbye to Captain America and hello to Captain Propaganda. The Marvel superhero is now woke and doesn’t believe in the promise of America. Can your hear my eyes roll? Because they just rolled super hard.

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There’s a new comic book out about good ol’ Captain America and the writer thought it would be a swell idea to have Cap not believe in the American Dream. He goes so far as to call it the American Lie. Evidently, we’re treated to Captain America’s thoughts on immigration. (Everyone gets in. Even Hydra, I guess.) And we all live in an America that “doesn’t get along nicely with reality. Other cultures. Immigrants. The poor.”

Cap goes on to say crap like if we don’t share the dream radically and with everyone, it becomes the American lie. So… if we don’t share with everyone, we’re bad? Since when did Captain America start sounding like a communist? We have to share with everyone? Say what? Isn’t that a Chinese bumper sticker? That’s insane. Especially when Captain America is saying it!

Okay, I’ve heard enough. I don’t find this entertaining or interesting. It’s more of a lame attempt to get attention for a new comic series and / or the writer. Yawn. Actually pretty lame.

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Was this the first idea they had? “What if Captain America didn’t believe in America?” As far as story pitches go? It’s cheap. It’s easy. And frankly an 8-year-old probably had this very same idea the year Captain America was first released. Try harder Marvel. It’s called creativity. You should try it.

One has to wonder what Stan Lee would think of this storyline? Stan was the son of Romanian Jewish immigrants. They came to America chasing the very real American dream and Stan (through hard work and perseverance) lived that dream. So, it’s kind of hard to convince me the dream of America is dead, or isn’t real when the company you work for was built by it.

So, do us all a favor Marvel. Work harder. A woke Captain America is lame.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round

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