Everyone loves a good man vs. woman story. And it can get even better when it’s man vs. women. That’s what happens in my latest tale, “Thor vs. the Valkyries.”
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So it’s been some time since I last wrote about my action-packed story featuring betrayal and revenge. And since Hulu just released the first trailer for its Y: The Last Man series (about a lone surviving man in a world full of women), I figured now would be a good time to bring up my Thor tale again.
(If you haven’t read any of my previous posts, you can always check out the Q&A I did with Bleeding Fool about “Thor vs. the Valkyries.”)
There’s a lot stuffed into my short story. In addition to action, betrayal, and revenge, there is a damsel in distress, a fantastical setting, a rage-fueled hero, and a no-nonsense sensibility that takes readers back to when tales were unabashedly about heroes and villains. And, of course, it’s about one man taking on a horde of villainous women.
Indeed, the story begins with Thor in confrontation with a group of treacherous Valkyries. Here is a snippet of it.
Skuld, the leader of the freshly launched Valkyrie coup, smirked at him from her perch upon his throne, high atop the dais. Her raven hair flowed over her narrow shoulders and past her waist. Ebony pants hugged her long legs.
Thor’s footsteps thundered throughout the great hall of Bilskirnir—his magnificent palace in Asgard—as he marched towards the stairs that led to the massive, looming platform with its twin thrones.
“My women will kill you before you can reach me,” Skuld cried.
Twelve Valkyries formed a horseshoe around the dais. All stood firm, geared up, and held seven-foot spears. Each stared daggers into him.
Róta occupied the throne beside Skuld, a queen’s crown on her head. Skuld stroked the hand of the voluptuous Valkyrie. Before them, prominently displayed on the floor, lay Thor’s woman: the lovely, golden-haired Sif. Chains constrained her and wisps of lacy clothing scarcely covered her. Skuld rubbed her foot on Sif’s hip. Sif wrinkled her nose and scooched away. Skuld yanked on her chain leash and Sif lurched rearward, nearly toppling onto her back.
And from there things take off.
So if you’re looking for a quick read that features one man vs. women—a read that’s a lot of fun—buy “Thor vs. the Valkyries” today. You’ll enjoy it.