Now Dems Want to Spend $3.5 Trillion because…Human Infrastructure & Stuff

Color me shocked. Now the Dems want to spend $3.5 trillion. Welcome to the world of “reconciliation.” As far as I can tell, a reconciliation bill is different from a normal bill because it can’t be filibustered. They just go by a simple majority. Yea’s and Nays.

(RELATED: Here’s the Republicans Who Support the Insane Infrastructure Bill)

Now Nancy Pelosi chimes in with:

“There won’t be an infrastructure bill unless we have a reconciliation bill. Plain and simple,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday, threatening to withhold a House vote on the deal until the Senate sends the president a bill focused on “human infrastructure,” too.

There’s the rub kids. “Human infrastructure.” What the fuck is that? It feels like a loosey-goosey term for whatever Nancy and Squad want it to be. That’s no bueno.

Everybody wants roads and bridges to work. That’s infrastructure. We ALL want that. But when you start slinging around terms like “human infrastructure” it get real dicey, real quick. Because it can mean whatever some idiot bureaucrat wants it to mean.

Here’s something that’ll pucker your butt: the Senate is a 50-50 tie with Kamala as the tie breaker. So, buckle up amigos. This could be a real ass pounding of our wallets. We’re in debt already. It could get a lot worse. Then factor in whatever “human infrastructure” is going to be and this could be a real humdinger.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round

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