Can Moon Knight Cross the Finish Line? (New Trailer)

We got another trailer for Moon Knight last night! Still holding out hope for this one. The question now is: Can Moon Knight cross the finish line? So far, all we’ve seen is a very serious, dramatic take on the character. As it should be. But will Moon Knight get the Disney treatment in the end. So far, the people who run Disney seem to be hell bent on ruining everything they tough. Giving every single franchise the ‘softer, gentler, touch.’ At some point, if the streaming service hopes to thrive, they will have to provide more grown-up fare. It can’t ALL be content for kids. As a business model they would be cutting themselves off at the knees. Your demo grows up and moves on. Then you don’t get their money anymore. Tada! It would behoove Disney to let a show like Moon Knight be dramatic and dark and edgy. If only just to see what happens. Will people watch? I know I will. It’s available on March 30 on Disney +

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round

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