Andor is the best thing to happen to Star Wars in ages. You should watch this one.

I’ll be brief and spoiler free. If you like Star Wars, you should start watching Andor. It’s good. It’s really good. Andor is the best thing to happen to Star Wars in ages. And the best thing to happen to Disney Star Wars ever. I’m not sure which exec. over that the house of mouse is in charge of this project but give them a raise. A big one. Along with the writers and directors. We need more shows that don’t insult our intelligence like, oh… let’s see… everything up till now. Book of Boba was crap. They turned him into an idiot. Obi Wan (also known as the Reva show) was a series of fan service moments wrapped in some really bad storytelling with a horrible plot. The Mandalorian shows promise but seems to get in its own way.

Which leave us with Andor. Disney Star Wars last hope. They had to come through with something of quality or risk losing all the fans. This franchise is holding on by nubs. Thankfully Andor delivers. Allow me to lavish some praise for a minute. The cinematography is outstanding. The director of photography is working overtime to bring some legit cinema to Andor. The writing is smart and satisfying. They don’t put the puzzle pieces together for you. Just sit back, pay attention and you’ll get your answers. Some critics thought that episodes one and two were slow. Those critics are idiots. Don’t listen to them. The actors are doing a fine job as well. Hats off to the casting director for finding so many new faces and great talent. Oh yeah! The music! The score is fantastic as well. Andor could go off the rails in upcoming episodes. Who knows? I just finished watching episode 3 and was absolutely loving it.

Andor feels like its own show. Yes, it’s Star Wars, but everything about it feels original. Finally, someone is going into the Star Wars universe and telling stories in their own way, with their own style. Andor is definitely worth a watch.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round

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