Skeleton Crew – Trailer. The latest recycled garbage from Disney Star Wars. A painfully sad lack of imagination.

We’ll do a couple thing in this post. First, we’ll present to trailer for Disney Star Wars, Skeleton Crew. Then we’ll let you know what we think about the trailer and the overall health of Disney Star Wars. Hint: It ain’t good. It’ll be an interesting exercise. Here’s the trailer the new show.

So, we all watched that trailer. Okay. Let’s begin. First of all, thought and prayers headed out to Jude Law, who must owe someone a shit ton of money. Why would he sign on to this series on Disney Plus, unless he was in serious financial trouble. Not judging, just hope Jude made bank because Skeleton Crew from Disney Star Wars looks like an absolute piece of recycled garbage. What in the Steven Spielberg, suburbs in space is this? For real. What in the actual heck are they doing with suburbs in space? Yes. You want to show a home life for the hero kid but if I want suburbs, I’ll look out the fuggin window! This is Star Wars you absolute idiots!

I have one real unifying theory about the fall of Star Wars and Disney, but I’ll save that for a video. Let’s just say the franchise and Disney suffer from people who either hate the material or don’t understand Star Wars or both. It’s both. It has to be both. That would explain everything.

Let’s just focus on Skeleton Crew for now. This show has been made about a million times and it’s a recipe that I don’t particularly care for. It goes like this: A group of kids, all with “unique” personalities discover an old treasure, an old amulet, a spaceship, a pirate ship, a book of magic or in this case a Jedi Temple. You won’t believe what happens next, ya goonie. ONE of those kids is going to feel compelled to go exploring! Yup. Then? That ship, magic book, robot or amulet with activate! What in the Sam Hill? Those kids are going on an adventure! Those kids are going to learn some real, life lessons. And I’m guessing their little adventure will be the key to everything!

This movie or show get made about every 2 years. It’s a new low for lack of imagination from Disney Star Wars. This is embarrassing. For everyone involved. This looks awful. Painfully awful. The Disney Star Wars Skeleton Crew, show starts streaming on Dec. 3. So, when your TV starts to smell, you’ll know what’s happening,

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round

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