Sunday Jams: The Honeydrippers

In 1985, a melodic supergroup known as The Honeydrippers, peaked their cover of Phil Phillips; “Sea of Love” and we all fell in love with it:

The Honeydrippers was pretty much the dream child of former Led Zeppelin frontman Robert Plant, when his solo works were going strong in the 80s. The original incarnation stated in 1981, but the line up from 1984 for their EP The Honeydrippers: Volume One is the one everyone knows best. In addition to Plant’s vocals there was Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck and Nile Rogers rocking guitar, Paul Shaffer on keyboards. Even Brian Setzer was an ocassional guest member on live performance.

Unfortunately, Volume One was all they wrote, but their sound was amazing. So sit back this cold winter weekend and dream of sultry summer sounds with The Honeydrippers, on The Jams:

A full album was never brought to reality for this group, but one thing is for sure: it packed a powerful, wonderful punch.

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