This won’t be a daily thing, but we’re definitely going to keep reminding you: Valentines Day is coming up. Get ready. And when I say, ‘get ready’, I mean be prepared with lingerie. And not some lame ass, tired, frilly stuff from that looks like it came out of a Sears catalogue from the day of yore. (Unless you’re into that. In that case? Have at it) I’m talking about stepping a bit more onto the wild side.
How many Valentines Days do you have left? 50? 25? What if you get hit by a bus tomorrow? Don’t you want at least one great Valentines Day? Of course you do. So, get going! Start making those plans today!
And by all means, have as much fun as possible. You can do a trail of rose petals to the tub next time. Hell, do it next week. What’s stopping you?